Oh yea! I recall camping out for that same Van Halen tour in Dayton, Ohio. The ticketmaster outlet was in Sears and we camped out beginning at midnight, securing a thrid position in line. It being a midwestern February, the line was really just a nod to the people in the other cars.
Everyone knew it was quite possible all hell would break lose when the doors opened. But since The Who incident in Cincinatti was still fresh, there was a tacit agreement among who held what position.
The camp out invovled a few people hopping into cars and smoking a bowl. It was a rather friendly and social scene - demented and stoned, but social. ;)
I also seem to recall the tickets going on sale shortly before the show. So that was February and I think the show as in March. I bought tix for Counting Crows in June - the show is in October.
And the price? Well, I seem to recall it being in the neighborhood of 20 bucks ...and adjusted to value in today's dollars, that's about 50/55 dollars today.
The And the show? Worth every damn cent ...and brain cell slaughtered.